Thursday, July 3, 2008

So not happening.

Thingamababy showed up in Google Reader this morning with a link roundup that included this:, a guy's challenge to reduce all personal items down to 100 or alternatively a certain category of things down to a 100.

To be clear, this so is not happening with me. I am terrified of the individual categories that I own more than 100 of, much less in aggregate!

However, I do think it's an interesting idea to list everything you own within a category or even just get a written handle on approximately how many you own. Knowing what you have really helps me in eliminating clutter. And, having inventories is helpful in case of catastrophic events. I'd already decided to use once I get the MacBook Pro, but this makes me think about inventoring non-barcoded items.

In this vein, I'm assigning myself a question to come up with the answer to today. What categories am I not willing to have less than 100 items in? Books are the immediate answer, but I think there's more. Perhaps to help myself answer this I should think about what categories I currently have more than 100 of.

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